Nykøbing Mors
The city Nykøbing offers many interesting holiday experiences within walking distance. The city is with app. 9.000 inhabitants the capital of Mors, and its past as an industrial city and the home of N. A. Christensen’s Jernstøberi (Iron Foundry) still leaves a trail in the city. Today the old foundry buildings hold the library, and the foundry’s history can be seen at Dansk Støberimuseum (Foundry Museum). From here you only have a short walk to the city’s museum of local history, Dueholm Kloster.
Art also leaves its mark on the city. Throughout streets, in squares and open places you will see sculptures that are made by local artists such as Erik Heide. Another known artist is Aksel Sandemose, whose childhood home can still be found at Færkenstræde 12.
Throughout the year, except for January, you will find changing exhibitions of the highest quality in Morsø Art Society rooms, located at Holmen no. 7. In the art association’s lobby you will find a fine selection of the association’s collection by the renowned photographer Kirsten Klein, who for many years has resided on Mors. In and around the building you will be able to enjoy a collection of sculptures by e.g. Frede Troelsen, Sigrid Lütken, Erik Heide and Jørgen Lang Petersen.
The pedestrian street connects the city and leads you to the harbour and marina area, which is a bustling place during the summer season and very popular among the many sailing enthusiasts in the Limfjord.
On the outskirts of the city is an 18-hole golf course – situated by the coast with a unique view of the Limfjord. Another beautiful place is the park in Østergade near Østerstrand, which is one of the best beaches on the island. There is a hive of activity in Nykøbing’s shopping street every Wednesday in July and August, when the city hosts Nykøbing By Night with music from well-known artists.
Inhabitants: Approx. 9.000
Museums: Dueholm Kloster, Dansk Støberimuseum (Foundry museum)
Kultur: Limfjordsteatret (Theater), Morsø Teater (Theater),
Musikværket, Morsø Kunstforening (Art Gallery),
Morsø Folkebibliotek (Public Library), Bio Mors (Cinema)
The oldest part of Nykøbing can be traced back to the 12th century.